1. prize invited competition.
Expected completion / 2025
Model 1:50
New biobased extension
Next to the Church, with the forest as backdrop and neighbouring Louisina art museum, a new parish hall, alongside offices and meeting places for the church, will be built.
The project points to a transformation of a 1887 villa and a new addition, constructed In wood for concerts and large gatherings.
The buildings and the landscape are interwoven. The sky and the landscape are as important as the built with a biodiverse permagarden that draws inspiration from the historic monastery gardens, offering space for both the solemn and festivity.
Totalrådgiver: Os arkitekter
Landskab og bygningsarkitekt: Os arkitekter
Holst Enginering
Kasper Kappel (brandrådgivning)
Henrik Innovation
Old and new, connected.
Protected accesway along the Parishhall.